of the Philippines

LIGHT in the dark times but MORE help is NEEDED
Many across the world are wondering when will this COVID pandemic end. (But for many, this is just part of a much larger battle of survival). Our focus is to make life for children experiencing severe neglect, abuse and starvation better by supplying food, clothing, shelter and a safe haven from the terrors they face on a daily basis. As the needs gets greater, our God allows our Ministry to grow stronger.
• In 2020 we were able to help send More than 600 street children to school.
• 14,400 meals given to street children + sent many cases of PEANUT BUTTER!! Yummy!
• Food, groceries, and medical supplies were provided to many families.
• Clothes were provided for more than 1000 children.
• Blankets warmed 100's of babies & cloth and disposable diapers were provided
• 500 face masks were handed out (NOBODY helps a child on the streets that is not wearing a mask).
• Christmas presents were sent for over 500 children.
• In 2021
• Sadly 60% of the children sent to school did not complete the year due to online learning.
• In the midst of the covid pandemic, when we were all faced with isolation, uncertainty, and fear, God ignited us to help our partners in a powerful way.
• In the last 4 months we have been able to help our partners (one other couple in the Philippines) to begin renovations for a Community Center in Tagaytay. A town where “our children” were taken.
• We have been told that the mothers and families of Tagaytay were praying that God would send help and the Center is the answer to their prayers. Some have not been to a church for almost 2 years, and some have just heard the gospel for the first time. Now they have a safe haven and hope.
The Center- not even completed- has provided Children and needy families with food and has supplied them their basic needs on a regular basis. Diapers and milk powder are being provided regularly to babies in need. Parents have found hope in Knowing the love of Jesus. Seven fathers gave their lives to God during the Father’s Day Service. 15 mothers gave their life to the Lord and will be water baptised this August. The Center will be used 7 days a week. We have hired a teacher who will provide tutoring so the children will be able to complete the school year even though it continues to be online. Women, men, and children will be able to come and get support and help that they need. On Sunday, church services have already started and will continue to bless the community. 145 children are enrolled in our tutorial program for this school year. 300 raincoats were given to children and parents for the rainy season.
“There was a mother whose child was very sick and would not stop crying. She didn’t have money for the hospital or for baby medicine. At a Sunday service she attended, she had learned of the power of Jesus name. So, she said in the middle of the night, in Jesus’ name please heal my daughter. Right after she prayed, her child stopped crying & was able to sleep the whole night. She instantly believed.”
Do you believe in the power of Prayer? You might want to start!
• In 2022 You can be part of the story!
We are one family here in Canada (supported by a few families and friends) and only one family in the Philippines that has been able to make this difference in many lives.
Please consider joining our TEAM as we touch the lives of many more children and families and help bring about change for the FUTURE of the Philippines.
Together WE can do more!