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of the Philippines

Quilt Auction
In The Philippines
For Christmas
50 more quilts will be added soon!

QUILT #1A "OH Baby Baby" 41" X34""

Afghan #1B Blankie, Hat, Booties 34"x29"

Afghan #1c "Stripes" 39"x34"

Afghan # "1d So so soft" 26" x 42"

QUILT #1 40"x40" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #2 "ZOO" 36"x46" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #3 Kittens 46"x36" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #4 "Rag Zoo" 32"x43" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #5 "Cows" 35"x35" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #6"Bunnies" 38"x39" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #7 "Duckies" 32"x47" & handmade burp cloth

Afghan #9 "Pink&Yellow" 33"x36"&handmade burp cloth

Afghan #10 "TrueBlue" 31"x35" & handmade burp cloth

Afghan #12 "Blues" 26"x38" & handmade burp cloth

Afghan #13 "2stripes" 34"x41" & handmade burp cloth

Afghan #14 "Purple" 34"x34" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #15 "Fishies" 39"x50" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #16"FuzzyPink" 44"x44"& handmade burp cloth

QUILT #17 "Giraffes" 44"x44" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #18 "Bunnies" 44"x57" & handmade burp cloth

QUILT #19 "Tiny Cars" 44"x44"&handmade burp cloth

QUILT #20 "Squares and Dots" 47"x47"

QUILT #21 "Baby" 41"x51"

QUILT #22 "Picnic Oldie but goodie" 62" x 87"

QUILT #25 Perfect in Pink 53" x 54"

QUILT #26 Purple Beauty 46" x 70"

QUILT #27 Subtle Flowers 44" x 55"

QUILT #28 Pink & Jean -Details! 61" x 80"

QUILT #29Jean in Front Flannel on Back 60" x 84"

QUILT #30 Vintage! Ladies with Parasols 61"x 87"

QUILT #32 Around the World 59"x 79"

QUILT #33 Square Star 53"x 53"

QUILT #34 Blue Triangles 89"x 92"

QUILT #35 Fun Stripes 78"x 88"

QUILT #36 Beautiful Browns 98"x 100"

QUILT #37 Gorgeous Greens" 94"x 98"


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